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''How was your day?''

''What are your interests?''

''What do you want to become one day?''

''What pets do you like?''

- you know don't stress while chatting to them, say what you really want to tell her.And just let go, smile .But still be the real you!

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16y ago
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12y ago

A goood question to ask a guy is, whats there color , && do they do any sports or like to party , are they out going or more like stay at home && play video games ... just stuff like that , nothing boring tho , guys don't like girls that text boring , for that matter , not just textiing but talking to . it's no funn , keeep the conversation going , if he's nott .... goood luck girlsss !! (:

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12y ago

first of all you should ask him if he has a little brother or a litlle sister/ if he dosent ask him confident quistions so he wont be scared of you /and never interupt. and ask him what kinda sports does he play in or ask about his birth day

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16y ago

Try to ask her about the things she likes, Music, sport, pets, places she has been and the thing she enjoys to do, and she will end up doing the same with you,

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Q: What kind of questions does a guy ask if he likes a girl?
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If you don't talk that much what kind of questions to ask a girl?

Ask her what type of music she's into, or what bands she likes, ask her what kind of food she likes, and things like that. You have to be creative, and remember to be appropriate. If you are that nervous, try practicing at home what you are going to say to her.

Questions to ask a guy that you like?

If you want to find out if a guy likes you just ask or have a friend ask what kind of girls he likes. and if its not the girl you are, dont change be yourself trust me he likes you alot better the way you are Ask him if he likes you yourself, guys like it when girls take a stand.

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How can you tell if a girl on the bus likes you?

That is the last question you ask. You should ask instead... do you like her? If so, go ask her questions about what she likes... and talk about those things to her.

What can you ask a girl?

just ask something simple like what kind of music she likes and then go up from there

What do you do if a girl loves you but your shy?

Take it from a girl. if she likes you suck up courage and go talk to her. Get to know her. Ask her questions. then ask her if she wants to go out. answer her questions to. and don't lie. most girl can tell. and if they cant they will find out sometime.

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do u like my boyfriend? are u jealous of me?

What are some tips to talk to girl?

Be yourself overall. Talk about things she likes but don't ask too many questions. That gets old. Find out about what kind of clothes she likes to wear and things she does outside of school/work. Make her laugh (:

How do you ask a girl if she likes you or not-?

To see if a girl likes you or not, you can honestly ask her the question. You should ask her when you are comfortable to do so.

Should you ask the girl you like if she likes you?

Yes, its a good way to find out if she likes anyone, a good way to do it is to start asking some other questions first like "Whats your favourite animal?" or other simple questions like that. After a few of those then ask her if she likes anyone, then make sure to ask a couple more questions so she doesn't get suspicious.

How to get a girl who kind of likes me to have a greater change of saying yes if i ask her out?

Give her an expensive gift

What if a girl says she wants a boyfriend right in front of you and she gives you the sense that she kind of likes you?

then ask her if she likes you and if she does say i liked you alot to