A spartan was a person from Sparta in ancient Greece. Usually Spartans were being specific to the men warriors. There job was to either win or die trying in battles. They were the harshiest people known in the ancient world. No city state of Greece were close to them or they'd have war on there doorstep.
A Spartan is a noun, a person from Sparta. "Hello, I am a Spartan. I was born and raised in Sparta."
you tell me! : - )
Car insurance is available through Spartan Insurance. One can also get truck insurance through Spartan Insurance which is available in all the states of the United States.
in the sumer the most powerfulll person was the king, or esnu.
Yes, Master Chief is the last SPARTAN-II
I know i heard them say that he has a lot of thouroughbred in him but im not sure if he is purebred or not.
Yes, in ancient Greece, a helot was a type of enslaved person who served the Spartan citizens. Helots were required to work the land and provide a portion of their crops to the Spartan rulers.
the SPARTAN-II program
The spartan 2 came first. The spartan 3 came after the spartan 2s. The spartan 3s technically never were introduced in the game, just in books. Also, only one spartan 3 survived Onyx.
Spartan - Lacedaemonius
Yes, there are heaps, but you will only hear about them in the books. Spartan-006: Jai Spartan-058: Linda Spartan-062: Maria Spartan-084: Fhajad Spartan-087: Kelly Spartan-104: Frederick Spartan-111: Adriana Spartan-117: John (Master Chief)