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she wants you to lick it

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Q: What it means if a girl takes a lollipop from her mouth and puts it in your face?
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It means that you have a mole on your face next to your mouth. There's no "magic" significance to this. It might be worth having a dermatologist take a look at it to verify that it's not melanoma, but beyond that, there's no "meaning" to it.

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A ladybird's mouth is on it's FACE!!

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Its a face. The mouth is c and the eyes are x. You see, the eyes are the eyes of xD and the mouth is the smile of c:. Hope this helps!

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Face- policii Hands - handos Mouth - nolas

What does it mean if you make a wish on a dandelion and it come back in you mouth?

Means nothing. You just got pollen in your face from the dandelion.

What is mouth-mouth island?

It is the same thing as your face and my brain.

What does CIM and GREEK mean?

CIM means cum in mouth same goes for COF cum on face and COB cum on boobs and Greek means anal sex

What does muzzle mean?

rabble means a human population for poor Muzzle is the part of the face that includes the mouth and the nose (especially of animals)

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When a person tries to communicate with another person's mind without that person realizing what is going on, this is called covert hypnosis. It is sometimes referred to as slight of mouth when it takes place during a face-to-face conversation.

What is the definition of face a face is what is on your head?

it is somthig that is on your head it has a nose,eyes,mouth and more. a mouth is so you can shut up

What are some body parts in polish?

Some body parts in Polish are: ręce (hands), nogi (legs), oczy (eyes), usta (mouth).