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Drugs. Turn around and walk away.

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Q: What it mean when a guy says you are thinking of doing MS?
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What does it mean when a guy says that is weird I was just thinking about you?

It means I was thinking nasty,and wow here you are!

What does it mean when a guy says Girl why don't you come on down to my way of thinking?

It means try to think like him.

If a guy you are sort of friends with says rude things about a new guy you bring around does that mean that he likes you?

yeah he likes u or just cares about you alot mayb he is thinking twice of what he said or he is just thinking about you!!!!

What does it mean when a guy says his head is on his shoulders while texting you?

"My head is on my shoulders" means they are thinking right, they have their head in the right place.

When you say dont move to fast for a girl what does that mean?

When a guy says this they mean commitment or wanting to enjoy what they are doing, when a girl says it they usually just mean keep it cool ull get it when im ready.

What does it mean when a guy texts you I was thinking of you?

it obviously means he was thinking of you..

If a guy is staring at you and says he is not day dreaming about you what does it mean?

he's lying and he probably wants to bang you. guys aren't that complicated hes thinking?

What does it mean to dream of a guy constantly?

Your constantly thinking about this guy.

The guy you like always says that he wants to come over when you say you are doing something awesome does this mean he likes you?

If a guy did not like you, he would not want to come over.

If you dreamed about him meaning that he is thinking about you?

Dreams are about the dreamer. This dream reflects the dreamer's thoughts about the guy. The dream gives no information about what the guy is thinking or feeling or doing.

What if a guy says your a bad girlfriend?

Find out what you are doing wrong.

If a guy says that you are pretty does that mean a guy likes u?

If a guy says that you are pretty it does not mean that he likes you. He could like you, or he could just be paying you a compliment.