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The word you seek is smitten.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago


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Q: What is the word for two people who like each other?
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The phrase of "word of the day" means that there is a new word for each day for most people to learn. It is meant as a learning word for people to use & educate other people of its use.

How can you use the word religion in a sentence?

Like this: Theres a lot of people in the world who subscribe to religion, the religions may be different. However all have similarities with each other.

Is there a name for when people copy each other?

Whilst e word "copier" would be adequate, a better noun would be "mimic". Also, when people copy each other, they may be referred to as "imitators".

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Another word for not getting along with?

The word sociable means to like the company of other people.

Why do measurements have to be standard?

Standard measurements are rather like the standard meanings of the words that you and I are using to communicate with each other. If a word has a standard meaning, then when I use that word you will know what I mean. If I use a standard measurement, then I can tell other people what I have measured and they will know what the measurement means.

Is people a compound word?

no. A compound word is formed by combining two or more other words like timeout.

What is the difference between equilibrium and psychosocial transition?

If we take "psychosocial" as a word meaning "to do with how people are getting along with each other", then "equilibrium" means that they are behaving in an expected and customary manner. If the way people treat each other socially is changing, then that could be refered to (by sociopsychologists and other big word users) as "psychosocial transition."