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Q: What is the word for someone who fully understands you?
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Is hotable a word?

Yes, hotable is a word it means someone is not fully hot or not fully adorable but it is in the middle. lets say a boy says to his friend that girl is hotable it means she's not fully adorable and not fully hot. hotable is a slang word.

What word describe to incorrectly understand something?

Misinterpretation is when someone incorrectly understands or interprets information or a situation. It can lead to confusion or misunderstanding between individuals.

What part of speech is the word understands?

The word understand is a verb. The past tense is understood.

What is an appreciator?

An appreciator is a person who fully appreciates or understands something, or a person who puts a price on something.

Who fully understands life?

Life is studied by Biology and there is where a full understanding of life wil be found

What is bicultural socialization?

Bicultural socialization is to be socialized and functioning in two distinct cultures. Example: A child of first generation immigrants understands and functions fully in his/her ethnic culture at home, but is also able to fully function in and understands the culture of his school and greater community.

Who is an active listener?

An active listener is someone who fully concentrates, understands, responds, and remembers what is being said. They engage with the speaker by showing empathy, asking clarifying questions, and providing feedback to demonstrate that they are paying attention.

Who understands evolution better then Darwin?

Darwin didn't fully understand evolution he came up with the theory.

Draw functional decomposition diagram with an example?

Functional is another word for workable. Decomposition is another word for falling apart. diagram is another word for drawing. I hope you can find someone who understands your question better than I have

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