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Paranoia, or social paranoia.

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Q: What is the word for being afraid of people talking about you behind your back?
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What is stranger anxiety?

Stranger anxiety is when you are afraid of talking to strangers and being around people that you don't know because they are strangers and they frighten you.

Should people be afraid of bees?

People should respect bees and exercise caution around them, but not necessarily be afraid. Bees are crucial for pollination and play a significant role in biodiversity. If left unprovoked, they are unlikely to sting.

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Why do boys kiss in the song firework?

It is because the song is talking about not being afraid to be yourself. The guys kiss because it is showing that he is breaking out of his shell and showing he doesnt care what other people think. He is not afraid to admit he is gay basically.

Is there a phobia for people who are afraid of being fat?

Obesophobia or Pocrescophobia.

What was it about being excommunicated that made people so afraid of it?

i smell

Why are people afraid of ed sheeran?

being vulnerable and hurt

Why should people be afraid of their governments getting absolute power?

Who would not be afraid of not being able to do what you would like to do.

What are common fears?

Spiders, snakes, the dark, being alone, tiny or enclosed spaces, talking to adults or strangers or people in general, horror movies, falling in love, heights, swimming and failure are some common fears that most people in general tend to have.

How do you get to have friends?

By being yourself, and talking to people

Is brave not being afraid or being afraid but doing it anyway?

Bravery is doing something your believe in. Its considered bravery because theres always going to be people against you, yet your not afraid yo speak up.

Is there a phobia for being afraid of ugly people?

No, there is no officially recognized phobia specifically for being afraid of ugly people. It is important to treat all individuals with respect and understanding, regardless of their physical appearance.