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Words could include inventor, innovator, intellect, visionary, or pioneer.

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Q: What is the word for a person with a lot of ideas?
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Another way to use a person's ideas but not word for word is to?

Another way to use a person's ideas but not word for word is to paraphrase.

Another way to use a person's ideas but not word-for-word is to?

Paraphrase the idea.

What is a word for a person who sleeps a lot?

A narcoleptic person; a person with narcolepsy.

What is the naming word for class a person or a place?

The naming word for a person or place is a "noun." Nouns are words that represent people, places, things, or ideas.

What is another word for Irascible old person with stubborn ideas?

Crotchety or cantankerous.

What is the word for a person who has new and different and exciting ideas?

"Innovator" is the word for a person who has new, different, and exciting ideas. These individuals often introduce changes and advancements in various fields through their creativity and forward-thinking approach.

Word that means having a lot of money?

umm... a 'RICH' person..... the word is RICH

Which word suits a person with strange ideas?

a good word for some one whom has Strange ideas would be Unconventional or atypical would be the right kind of words for some one with these ideas. i hope this has answered your question to a relevant degree

What is creative leadership?

a creative leadership is a person who has a lot of ideas in minds in terms of been an leader and also when some one ask some question to you, therefor you have some ideas for him.

What is the word to describe a person ahead of his time?

The word is "visionary," which refers to someone who has original and innovative ideas that are ahead of their time.

Is there a word for a person who studies ideas?

Yes, a person who studies ideas is commonly referred to as a "philosopher." Philosophers explore and analyze concepts, beliefs, and arguments to deepen their understanding of the world and human experience.

If you wanted to use a word that implied or suggested a lot of thoughts ideas and meanings beyond its mere literal meaning you'd be looking for a word with a rich .?
