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Q: What is the velocity of an object that travels 50m in 10s?
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What is the average speed of an object that travels 50m in 25 minutes?

Speed = distance/time interval = 50m/25min = 2m/min

Problem with solution in uniformly accelerated motion?

what velocity is a taint by an object that is accelerated at .3om/s for the distance of 54m if its initial velocity is 50m/s

What is the definition of final velocity?

Final velocity is the your last velocity traveled. Example if you travel 50m/s your final velocity is 50m/s because its the last velocity traveled, 0m/s is the initial velocity. Its not your total velocity because if u start running at 5m/s then accelerated 25m/s, your final velocity is NOT 30m/s. It is 25m/s. Also, your velocity change is 20m/s(25-5).

If someone runs 120m in 20s and the other runs 50m in 10s who runs faster?

The person running 120m. If the person running 50m maintains his pace for 120m, it will take him 24s.

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What is velocity in physics?

Velocity is a vector quantity that describes the rate of change of an object's position with respect to time. It includes both the speed of an object and its direction of motion. Velocity can be calculated by dividing the change in position by the change in time.

To fully describe the motion of an object you must fully describe its what?

To fully describe the motion of an object, you must fully describe its speed, direction, and acceleration. Speed refers to how fast the object is moving, direction indicates the path it is following, and acceleration refers to any change in its velocity.

Why doesnt the Olympics have 50m breastroke?

because it is a 50m pool, so one lap is 50m. that's why everything is a 200, 400, nothing has a 50 in it

which one is bigger 50m or 1km?

1km = 1000m 1km > 50m 1km is bigger

Whats the factors that would minimize the splash when a solid object is dropped into water from a height of 50m?

The geometrical parameters like volume,shape, and cross section.

What are the dimensions of the centre square on an Australian Rules football oval?

It's 50m x 50m

How do you work out the area of a room 100m x 50m?

100m x 50m=5000m2