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difference between planning and decision making

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They Both Used in the process of Selecting the perfect Action or Goal :

Planning is thinking of doing. Decision-making is a part of planning. Planning is the process of selecting a future course of action, where Decision-making means selecting a course of action.

Both Planning and Decision making are Used in managerial functions:

Planning and Decision they pervasive fuction managers which aimed in archiving organization goals.Planning and Decision making are to be taken Into consideration in all managerial fuctions such organizing,motivating,Monitoring,directing and controlling in all fuctional Areas such as production,Marketing,Finance ,Reserch and development. It indicates that Decion making and Planning are Spreading many areas in an Organization.

Both Planning and Decision making are used in the process of Achieving organization Goals:

futher more Planning Facilitates Decision Making .Planning helps the managers to take various decisions. As in planning goals are set in advance and predictions are made for future. These predictions and goals help the manager to take fast decisions.

Planning and Decision making focus on Proper Utilization of Resources :

Organization has various resources like man,money,Methods,material,Machines,material and Information .All this resources are proper Utilized without any leakage and wastage with the help of Proper planning and Decision making at the Right time . As result an organization can operate at minimum cost .

They Both Seek to Identify and Finding Solution of the Problem:

Planning and Decision making focus on finding the best alternative solutions of the Existing problem,They mainly focus on archiving the organization goals and achive Value for money .Example Late comers In School what should be done? Different people give ideas and one best idea will be choosen and the planning comes to play on how should we it ? When ?where?and Hence comes with the decision on plate and plans of how to do it .

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