Well as you know the cross was used to kill jesus so it is an insult, just like the devil. If your dad died in a car crash would you worship a car??
No. There is no relation between them.
No, They do not worship the devil.
no he doesn't worship the devil
Ray j do not worship the devil.
NO! no she really doesnt!
No He Does Not Worship The Devil he Is A True believer in G0d
The crossed bones glyph (usually with a skull) goes back at least as far as the Eighteenth Century, and has the primary meaning Death / Danger of Death. It was once used as the marker on cemetery gates. It has no special connection with Satanism (which in any case is a much more modern belief system) - in fact it has been regularly used on churches, and to mark commercially sold poisons. It is also the glyph of many sports teams and college fraternities (particularly in North America). So really, no relation at all. Well as you know the cross was used to kill Jesus, this makes the cross an insult just like the devil, so why do people worship the cross to remember Jesus? If your dad died in a car crash would you worship a car?
she dont worship the devil she's a christian y would she do that
Worship the devil.
It can't be said that ''all Crips worship the devil'' that would be stereotyping. But I'm sure just like any other organization u have members of the Crips that worship god, u have members of the Crips that worship the devil & u have members of the Crips that aren't religious at all.
Methodists don't worship the devil. They are Christians and worship God and Jesus Christ.
some say no.... but some say yes.... but The answer is.... yes. Nas does worship the devil.