The Graham Clan was originated in Scotland by Sir William de Graham. The forename Graham is considered to be an English and Scottish given name.
Graeme is English in origin, a variant of the surname Graham; a Scottish surname taken from the place Grantham in Lincolnshire, England. Graham means "gravel hamlet".
the Scottish surname Graham comes from the place Grantham in Lincolnshire.
There is no recognized saint named Graham in the Catholic tradition. The name Graham is of Scottish origin and is more commonly a surname. Saint names typically come from early Christian martyrs or those who were known for their holiness in the Church.
The surname Moran is Irish in origin.
The surname Guillory is French in origin.
This surname Bombardier is of French and Italian origin, the surname is mostly found in Canada.
The surname Salum is believed to be Arabic in origin.
Navarro is a surname of Spanish or Basque origin.
This surname Olsen is of Danish and Norweagian origin.
This american surname Cutshaw is of German origin, a variant of German surname Gottschall.
Deutsch is a surname of German origin. It means "German"
The surname Alvarez is Hispanic in origin. The Spanish surname Álvarez is from a patronymic form of the personal name Álvaro, which is of Germanic (Visigothic) origin.