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Marriage originated in ancient Greece. People in ancient Greece married not for love but rather for inheritance. Women could be forced to marry their nearest male relative after her father died.

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Q: What is the origin of marriage?
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Yes. In the United States, Hispanics are more supportive of same-sex marriage than Whites not of Hispanic origin. According to a 2012 poll, 60% of Hispanics under 65 support same-sex marriage, while 31% oppose it.

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You can certainly have a legal marriage. However, that will not change his status automatically and he could still be deported. And since he has a felony, obtaining the appropriate visa to come into the country to get married will be difficult. You could find yourself married and have to either abandon the marriage or move to his country of origin.

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The laws of the UK, including marriage laws, do not apply differently depending on someone's ethnic or geographic origin.

Is Oregon a common law state?

There is no recognition of common law marriage for residents of Oregon. That means you cannot create a common law marriage in Oregon. However, if a couple moved to Oregon from another state and their marriage was legally recognized as a common law marriage in their state of origin it would be recognized in Oregon.

What is the latin root word for marriage?

Its origin is the Latin word "mas" (gen. maris) which means "male, of the male sex." From that word came "maritus" (husband, lover) which replaced other Latin words for husband, like "coniunx" (husband or wife, one who is joined, yoked together) and hence the verb "maritare" (to marry, to give in marriage.)