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Q: What is the meaning of the wisest men and women should rule the people?
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When does a girl become a women?

When puberty has finished. If you could accurately answer this one, you would be the wisest bird of all time!

Is it normal for women to take their little boy to the men's room?

Normal and safe. With all those child molesters out there it is the wisest decision

Does the name chickta offend women?

No i personally do not because looking back at the root meaning it means :"pretty little girl" in Spanish. This should not be a problem for people to be called this because it is simply acknowledging the fact that a women is beautiful.

Why women should not work?

why wouldnt women work...we're very powerful people. soo they should work

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This question is very controversial. Some women do it to buy drugs, but then there are the well-meaning women. Women unable to find any other jobs desperately take this job in order to feed her kids. The answer is Yes and No due to the heavy controversy.

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women should be priest because they are just life other people. We live in a world were men can do anything, but women can't?

Who was the smartest women in the Bible?

Deborah is often regarded as one of the wisest and most respected women in the Bible. She was a judge, prophetess, and military leader who displayed great wisdom, discernment, and leadership in her role.

Should men and women have equel roles in life?

Of course! Men and women are equal except for the fact that women are always stereotyped against because some people believe that women should just be housewives and should n't work.

Who was the richest and wisest king in the bible?

King Solomon is often considered the richest and wisest king in the Bible. He was known for his great wealth, wisdom, and judgment. Solomon's wisdom was demonstrated in the famous story of the two women claiming the same baby, where he displayed his discernment by proposing to cut the baby in half.

Why christian women wear makeup?

Because it is vanity. People should be satisfied with what god made them look like. Because it is vanity. People should be satisfied with what god made them look like.

Can you have feelings for a boy if your a lesbian?

no, that would simply mean you should be bisexual. meaning you are not fully lesbian, but that you enjoy company of both men and women, not just women.

How did some of the later amendments to the Constitution broaden the meaning of we the people?

The amendments included Blacks, Mexicans, Asians, and women who were not considered people