The noun 'daughter' is a gender specific noun for a female offspring.
The corresponding gender specific noun for a male offspring is son.
Fiancé is the male version. Fiancée is the female version.
A daughter
A "Dingo" is the male version of a cougar woman!
The male version of Gabrielle is spelt Gabriel
The male version of the name Cecilia is Cecil.
In Fiddler on the Roof Jr., the characters are a bit different then the full version. They are... LEAD ROLES Tevye- male, father of his five daughters, starring character Golde- female, his wife, grumpy and grouchy Tzeital- female, oldest daughter, must choose who to marry Hodel- female, second oldest daughter Chava- female, third oldest daughter, elopes and is disowned from father SUPPORTING ROLES Lazar Wolf- male, the butcher, insterest in Tzeital Motel- male, the tailor, Tzeital's love interest Perchik- male, Hodel's love interest Fyedka- male, Chava's love interest Constable- male, a tough Russian soldier Shprintze- female, second youngest daughter Bielke- female, youngest daughter The Fiddler- silent, non-singing role Yente- female, matchmaker Yussel- craftsman Rabbi- well, he's a rabbi.... Mordcha- inkeeper Russians Villagers
A male version
A buck.