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The introduction to a broken family is not accepting personal responsibility.

When we don't accept our personal responsibility, whatever the situation may be, it places the burden on other people in the relationship, which makes things difficult. When things are difficult, we become unhappy. Eventually, this can lead to a broken family. Of course this is only one reason, but a very popular one.

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A broken family is introduced when a couple breaks up or gets a divorce. This may happen because of infidelity or because the two can no longer get along.

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Broken family introduction?

Families can be considered broken for different reasons. Typically the phrase is used for families were the parents are no longer together for whatever reasoning.

Introduction of broken family?

A broken family is a family unit that has experienced separation, divorce, or the absence of one or both parents. This can have emotional, financial, and social impacts on family members, particularly children, as they navigate changes in family structure, relationships, and dynamics. Support systems and effective communication can help families navigate and cope with the challenges of a broken family.

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What is broken familly?

A broken family is one you and the family you were born into break apart. Like let's say your parents die and you are left with a brother and a sister, you would be classified as a broken family. Or if your parents separate or get divorced, then once again you are classified as a broken family.

What is brokenness?

A broken family is one you and the family you were born into break apart. Like let's say your parents die and you are left with a brother and a sister, you would be classified as a broken family. Or if your parents separate or get divorced, then once again you are classified as a broken family.

Broken families meaning?

A broken family is one where the parents (mother and father) of a child or children have split up and no longer share a single family home as a family unit. This is also known as a broken home.