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God's creative work was not complete until He made woman. And then marriage and family became the basis of society, the central organizing unit. God could have made woman from the dust of the ground as He had made man. God chose, however, to make her from the man's flesh and bone. In doing so, God illustrated that in marriage man and woman symbolically become one flesh.


Marriage is a foundation of any civilized society from which springs property rights, inheritance rights and legal responsibility which are all civil legal rights. In ancient times, marriage created a unit and that unit was the man. Within that scheme women had no legal existence. Modern societies no longer adhere to that mode of thinking. Wives and husbands each have equal legal rights in the modern Western World.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Significance in marriage change during the transit of years. This answer cannot be defined due to every marriage in this world is under different situations in culture, race, religion, etc. Every people in this world with cultural and subcultural influence will have a different point of view of the true significance of marriage.

In my personal opinion, marriage is acquired to evolve with the presence of a significant other for the purpose of raising a family and die next to the person who have loved and have had memories with. After all, life should be a collection of our most vivid and lovely memories with the one and ones we love.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Marriage is actually a Christian institution which was introduced in Biblical times. That is why it is very confusing to the mainstream Christians when homosexuals want to integrate into this Christian ritual practice. The importance of marriage is it was ordained and sanctified by God in order for the relationship to be blessed with each other and to bear children.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Becoz every one whats a partner to share his feeling.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

the inmportance of marrige is to be together

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