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Polygamy .

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Q: What is the general term for a marriage in which can have several husbands or wives at the same time?
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Related questions

Can marriage make you fat?

Sometimes, but it doesn't have to happen. Husbands and wives should eat healthy and exercise together.

Why husbands allow their wives to cheat?

Loyal husbands do not allow their wives to cheat. They remain loyal and love their wives.

Is it normal for husbands and wives to never see each other naked?

I don't think it is, since marriage is about mind, body, and spirit.

Do wives and husbands need to both attend marriage counseling?

For it to be considered marriage counseling, both parties need to attend. You can always get individual counseling, if your husband does not want to go.

Why do wives cheats her husbands?

Why not

In a same-sex marriage are there two wives or two husbands or do they still use the terms husband and wife?

In general, married gay men refer to each other as husbands (i.e., two husbands and no wife). Married lesbians refer to each other as wives (i.e., two wives and no husband). You can sometimes hear people who are unsure about the appropriate vocabulary use words like "partner" or "spouse." If a man wants to be called a wife, or a woman wants to be called a husband, then that is their prerogative. However, identifying yourself as belonging to the opposite gender is a characteristic of a transgendered person, not a gay person. In that sense, altering the gender-specific vocabulary is an issue separate from same-sex marriage.

Why did some women begin to demanding more political and social freedom?

After WWI, they lost the rights, when they got marriage. Under the common law doctrine of coverture husbands gained control of their wives' real estate and wages.

What has the author Justin Buzzard written?

Justin Buzzard has written: 'Date your wife' -- subject(s): Husbands, Religious life, Marriage, Psychology, Christianity, Wives

Should wives be considered slaves of their husbands?


Will there be husbands and wives in heaven?

The truth is is, no one can tell. Either through science or spiritual approach.

Do wives fart around their husbands?

Yes, many wives feel comfortable farting around their husbands, especially in long-term, close relationships. Additionally, even if your husband is comfortable with your flatulence, it is important to remember that excessive gas or digestive issues may be a sign of a larger health problem.

What do wives think about bisexual husbands?
