Aroma... Olfactory.
fragrance ; noxious ; ephemeral ; nuance ; pulchritudinous ; olfactory.
The word 'fancy' is an adjective (fancy, fancier, fanciest), a word that describes a noun; for example a fancy hat or a fancy party.The word 'fancy' is also a noun (fancy, fancies), a word for a whim or a fantasy; and a verb (fancy, fancies, fancying, fancied), to visualize or imagine, and to like.
The prefix for the word "fancy" is "un-".
Strike your fancy
The fancy word for thieves is "kleptomaniacs".
Plain is the opposite of fancy.
The word "fetid" means having a strong, unpleasant smell; foul-smelling or malodorous.
Mint is a sweet smelling herb.
trendy innovative revolutionary unused