The word 'fancy' is an adjective (fancy, fancier, fanciest), a word that describes a noun; for example a fancy hat or a fancy party.The word 'fancy' is also a noun (fancy, fancies), a word for a whim or a fantasy; and a verb (fancy, fancies, fancying, fancied), to visualize or imagine, and to like.
The prefix for the word "fancy" is "un-".
Strike your fancy
The fancy word for thieves is "kleptomaniacs".
Plain is the opposite of fancy.
trendy innovative revolutionary unused
Plain is the opposite of fancy.
Yes, the word 'fancy' is a noun as a word for a feeling of wanting or liking something, or something that you imagine or dream about.example: It was just a passing fancy.The word 'fancy' is also a verb (fancy, fancies, fancying, fancied) and an adjective(fancy, fancier, fanciest).
No. It is not correct to say that physician a fancy word for doctor.