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Q: What is the exam called that a doctor puts his finger up a guys butt?
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What does a doctor stick up your butt?

They will stick their finger and a camera in while doing a digital rectal exam or prostate exam

How do you check the prostate?

A doctor can quickly and easily check the prostate through a rectal exam. He will insert a finger into the rectum and check for abnormalities. The exam takes less than five minutes.

How would a medical doctor physically examine the prostrate of a male client?

This is called a digital rectal exam, or DRE. The doctor puts on a rubber glove and sticks a finger inside the patient's anus to feel the prostate, checking for swelling or size/shape irregularities.

A common part af any phsical examination of the male is palpation of the prostate how is this done?

By inserting a lubricated, gloved finger gently through the anus into the rectum until the prostate is felt. The Doctor or other practitioner is checking the size, shape, position, firmness, and mobility of the prostate. This is a routine part of a annual physical for men over 50, and part of any urological or rectal exam. While there are many benign changes that can occur to the prostate, changes may indicate cancer or other serious problems that may lead to impotence. If there are any out of the ordinary findings from the exam, further tests will be performed, usually by an Urologist.

What is the digital rectal exam and how often should it be done?

It is done at your doctor's office during a routine physical. The doctor's gloved finger is inserted into the rectum to check for abnormalities. You should get a routine physical yearly.

Can you have to give MOH exam for practice as a doctor in Dubai or without it as doctor in Dubai?

No,we have to give exam

What type of test is a digital exam for prostate?

The doctor examins the prostate gland by pushing on it to feel it's shape and size. It is done by putting a gloved finger up into the rectum.

What is it called when doctors stick a tiny camera up your butt?

Thats called a prostate exam, When you are 40 or over it is recomended you take this test because Can cause problems like a cancer or tumor if not treated can cause death The Prostate (or how you called it your Butt) is a gland surrounding the neck of the bladder in the male mammals and realeasing a fluid component of semen to check it if it is healthy they stick a camera up your butt

How do i know if i have cancer?

You go to a doctor for an exam.

What kind of doctor does a hearing exam?


Could the doctor do only a bi-manual exam and no pelvic exam and tell if you are pregnant?

A bi-manual exam IS a pelvic exam and there is no reason for a doctor to do one just to check if you are pregnant. An ultrasound will show far more than a pelvic esam ever could.

Who can be a doctor?

Anyone who passes the Medical exam of their said country can become a medical doctor