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First, what the f**k is a nudist?! And second, you should take them out to dinner, pamper them, treat them very nicely for a couple of weeks, and then go for it gently tell them you are a nudist and see how they respond. If they don't like it, then f**k them, you know. They'll have to respect how you are.

ADDED: I don't know if there really is an easy way to break the news to a parent and this is kind of a hard question to answer because every parent is different. To this day I have not directly told my mother that I am a naturist. My father knows but it took him awhile to adjusts to the news but that's a different story. I never came out directly to my mother but I have dropped a few hints to her that I know about the naturist lifestyle and what it is. I kind of told her that I had a friends whose parents raised her into this lifestyle from birth and that it was becaus of her that I found out about it. The other hint I gave to her was through in the form of a book. Since she loves to read and I love to write I figured this would be a good way to drop a hint. The story is based entirely off ef events that happened during my childhood between my sisters and I however I changed all the names and a few identifiable details to keep the anonymity of the real life people. After getting a few chapters done I sent it to her for proof reading. She called me back a week later and gave her point of view on the book so now I know her point of view on tje topic without ever telling her directly that I am a naturist. So anyway your welcome to use my way pr come up with your own but anyway wishing you besto of luck with your coming out!!!

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