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In most cases nothing

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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 11mo ago

When a guy is just fooling around, he is typically not looking for a serious or committed relationship. He may engage in casual flirting or physical intimacy without any emotional investment. On the other hand, when a guy really likes a girl, he is genuinely interested in getting to know her better, spending time with her, and possibly pursuing a deeper emotional connection. He may exhibit consistent and genuine efforts to make her feel special and cared for.

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yes. But, theres a difference between finding a man a little attractive and genuinely liking him. Me, as a lesbian, I cant see myself liking a manโ€ฆever. But, if you actually Think youโ€™re crushing on him, most likely.

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its a difference because when you like some body u have a special connections with them u like something about them. as of when u fancying about some one u only think of what u would like to do with them!!

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