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The tooth fairy is the concept of a fairy which gives a child a gift in exchange for a tooth that has come out. A child typically leaves the tooth under their pillow for the fairy to take while they sleep. The tooth fairy then adds the tooth to a special part of her all-white tooth castle in the sky. The myth in this form is practised in the US, Ireland, Germany, Italy, South Africa, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Portugal and the UK.

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8y ago
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14y ago

She dresses in pink or blue, and comes at night to grab under your pillow for a tooth and leaves money. She has wings and flies for a short while. She also has a magic wand with a star on the end that sparkles for teleporting.

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10y ago

The tooth fairy as we now know her didn't make an appearance until the early 1900s, as a generalized "good fairy" with a professional specialization. The child loses a baby tooth, which is put under the pillow at night, and the tooth fairy exchanges it for a present, usually money but sometimes candy.

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15y ago

the tooth fairy is a fairy that comes to take your baby teeth from under your pillow when they fall out and replace it with money

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11y ago

In the 2010, the main character Derek "Tooth Fairy" Thompson is played by the actor Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

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14y ago

Of course there is.

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12y ago

tooth fariy

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10y ago


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How does the tooth fairy know you lost a tooth?

The tooth fairy is your parents

Does the tooth fairy have any pets?

the tooth fairy does have pets dog teeth are the tooth fairy's pets

Are there African tooth fairies?

no there is no African tooth fairy there is no tooth fairy at all

How old is he tooth fairy?

I think the tooth fairy is 27

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There is no such thing as the stupid tooth fairy

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sorry, but there is no such thing as a tooth fairy

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the tooth fairy drink milk

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Tooth Fairy....(~_~)

What color hair does the tooth fairy have?

It depends if your talking about a boy tooth fairy or a girl tooth fairy, but regardless it is sparkly.

Is there a tooth fairy called tooth mouse?

yes the mexican tooth fairy is called tooth mouse

Does the tooth fairy exisist?

No, the tooth fairy isn't real. The Tooth fairy is a myth. The people who trade your teeth for money are your parents.

Is the tooth fairy real to adults?

.... The toothfairy isn't real.