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Italy and Spain after a couple of years of marriage. But you must fulfill many other requirements (e.g. language ability, losing your previous nationality if they ask you and etc.) and the wait is as long as two years after you apply for citizenship.

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Q: What is the country with the quickest citizenship after marriage?
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What is the quickest way to get your boyfriend citizenship?

Marriage or a child.

How can a girl change citizenship after marriage?

Citizenship has nothing to do with marriage. A girl can change her citizenship status whenever she wants to provided that the laws of her country allow her to change citizenship. However she may have to provide sufficient proof to demonstrate her nae change after marriage.

Use the word citizenship in a sentence?

Passport is proof of your Citizenship. That is how you use it.

Is a marriage still valid if you become a citizen of another country?

Yes. Marriage does not depend on citizenship to be maintained.

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Is a marriage license legal if the citizenship on the license is incorrect?

The citizenship will not affect the marriage. While it could be considered perjury, it will not invalidate the license in most places.

Can a foreigner who enters this country legally gain citizenship if she becomes pregnant from a US Citizen And is she required to show proof that the US Citizen is the father?

No. Not even marriage to the father grants gives you citizenship. You have to apply for naturalization.

Is it illegal to marry someone for citizenship?

Yes. It is illegal to marry ANYONE for citizenship purposes only. That person could be deported and barred from life from this country and the citizen that married him/her could face hefty fines or prison time.

What is the explanation for the two types of citizenship?

Two types of citizenship include naturalized citizenship and birthright citizenship. When a person is born into a country, he or she has birthright citizenship. When a person moves to a country and applies to become a citizen, he or she is a naturalized citizen.The two types of citizenship include birthright citizenship (where you are born into a country) and naturalization citizenship (where you move to a country and become a citizen).

What are the release dates for Dr- Phil - 2002 The Six Quickest Ways to Ruin a Marriage?

Dr- Phil - 2002 The Six Quickest Ways to Ruin a Marriage was released on: USA: 20 January 2012

Can an illegal immigrant gain citizenship through marriage?

Yes, but not likely. They will still have to leave the country and face a 10 year ban based on how long they were here illegally.

What is the difference between single and dual citizenship?

Single citizenship means a person is a citizen of only one country. Dual citizenship means a person is a citizen of two countries, and holds passports from both countries. Dual citizens have rights and responsibilities in both countries.