

Best Answer

; Smoking is very bad for you organs. You can become extreemly sick or die at a younger age. It can cause rotten of the teeth, destroyed organs, dieseses and dying QUIT SMOKING NOW. call the quitline or buy niccorette patches or gum from your local store. By alex. year 7 2009

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Q: What is the causes of smoking?
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Related questions

What are causes of smoking?

the causes of smoking is someone smoking. the effects are what happens after.

What causes addidtion to smoking and drugs?

Nicotine causes addiction to smoking

How did scientists change society's view of smoking after 1960?

-- they showed that smoking causes cancer :) kymmie

Why stop smoking?

Smoking damages the lungs,causes dieses and illness.

What are some of the dangers of smoking?

The following are some dangers of smoking; tar, and carcinogen substances causes cancer, smoking reduces oxygen in the body, and it also causes pulmonary disorders.

What is the Association between cigarette smoking to inguinal hernia formation?

Smoking is one of the aetiological causes of hernia. Smoking causes manufacture of defective collagen and hence, predisposes to hernia.

What causes addiction to smoking?


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How did scientists change societys view of smoking after?

they showed that smoking causes cancer

How does smoking harm the respiratory system?

Smoking causes cancer and heart attacks.

Which is an example of how society responded to smoking causes cancer?

Society responded to reports that indicated smoking causes cancer by interacting laws that restricted smoking in public places. Some laws were intended to inhibit children from starting smoking.

What is one health problem associated with smoking a pipe?

Smoking causes lung cancer.