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It sounds like you at least aren't living together from your quote "he yells at me all the time and then hangs up." You have low self esteem and you need to seek professional counseling to up your self esteem and find out why you feel so little of yourself to take this type of abuse. We all carry garbage behind our butts whether we are rich, poor, black, brown or white. If you don't seek out counseling and find out why you choose this type of mate, then you will continue to find one dud after the other. You should be proud of who you are, and if you give respect, then expect it back. You should be treated with love and kindness, and not yelling and phone calls where he hangs up on you. Sometime in our lives we all need to know who we are and what we are made up of. It's surprising how we find out just how strong we can be at times. Good luck Marcy

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Q: What is the best way to get an abusive boyfriend out of your system if you want to leave him so bad but you can't and he just yells all the time and hangs up on you?
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If you leave him, then it doesn't matter what he does. It wouldn't be called cheating if you left him. If he is abusive, then you should leave him.

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an abusive boyfriend is the worst thing that can happen to a lady. if u have an abusive boyfriend the it's best u terminate the relationship. as long as ur not married the he doesn't own u. and if u stick with him and he continues abusing ur friends then they will leave u.

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Don't be an idiot. Leave. Now.

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leave, get out, leave right now, its the end of you and him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well, it depends why you are not happy. If he is abusive then yes, you should leave him but if it's a couple of fights that can be resolved then no.

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If he come to the house you are living in and is abusive then you can ask him to leave. If he refuses to leave then call Local Police and explain why you are calling. The Police should then come to the house and talk with both you and the ex-boyfriend. Police will then decide if ex-boyfriend should be arrested or not.

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If it is abusive, call the police. If not, then just say, "I'm breaking up with you," and leave. He or she will not track you down.

In the state of Arkansas is it legal for me to take my children and leave my abusive boyfriend and leave the state?

Absolutely. Do it immediately. The only thing he can do is sue you for custody, and if you can prove that he was/is abusive, he will not get it. You can also try to get a restraining order put on him. Do this immediately. Call the police right away. Do not wait, it only gets worse. Do it for your children.

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Your boyfried sounds controlling and abusive. My daughter and my sister have both been in abusive relationships. Be careful.

Should you leave your boyfriend if he is abusive and doesn't allow you to leave the house but you still love him?

You either leave him (get help if you need it) or prepare for a sad life of being abused because he doesn't love you and will not change. True love does not abuse but instead puts the other ahead of themselves.

How do you get your boyfriend to forgive you for being horribly mean. My history with men who yell and scream and then become violent so shutting down is my coping stance.?

If your boyfriend is abusive, you need to leave him right away, because he will only get worse.