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Don't that's pretty harsh

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Q: What is the best prank 2 play on your 50 year old parents?
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What is the best prank to play on your 15 year old brother?

I did this once, wait till he's sleeping and then paint his toenails bright pink.

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poo on her when shes sleeping

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Play a prank on my parents for not getting me one... Doesnt have to be bad, just something that says that youre not happy they gave it to a 2year old

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if he has a girlfriend take his phone and text her that he wants to reak up with her and never see her again and for her to never text him anymore starting now.

Do people who prank only do it on Halloween?

No, people can prank at any time of the year. Halloween may be a popular time for pranks because of the spooky atmosphere, but pranking can happen on any day.

How can a 7 yer old put a prank on 8 year old and a good prank?

make one

What is the best prank 2 play on your 19 year old autistic sister?

This is just wrong! Autistic people do not like change, and scaring or pulling a prank on them can disrupt their calmness and cause a tantrum. You seem like one that would torture animals or beat up the elderly. Maybe you need some mental health help, because apparently you are deranged.

Can an 8 year old person play GTA San Andreas?

Really depends on your parents. My parents don't give a crap on what I play.

Can a 10 year old play mw3?

The age is 18 BUT if you let the kid play then thats fine. If your the ten year old ask your parents. I did and i play it.

Would a nine year old be old enuogh to play call of duty?

There are six year olds that play it, but it is up to the parents to decide if you can or not.

Can an eleven year old stay home alone in Canada?

Yes I think if you are responsible enough to not burn down the house or make prank calls or do anything your parents don't allow you to do then this is very much okay! But it is entirely up to your parents if they feel safe about it

Should a 7 year old kid play MW3?

Not really. Its your/Your parents choice.