Here's a list of 15 highest-paying blue-collar jobs:
Petroleum Engineer
Air Traffic Controller
Elevator Installer and Repairer
Nuclear Power Reactor Operator
Commercial Pilot
Power Distributor and Dispatcher
Transportation Inspector
Construction Manager
Radiation Therapist
Dental Hygienist
Commercial Diver
Aerospace Engineering Technician
Electrical Power-line Installer and Repairer
Radiation Protection Technician
Power Plant Operator
White Collar job
First of all, it's a blue/white COLLAR job. A blue collar job is usually more labor-intensive, and a white collar job is usually when you work at a desk.
White collar.
Blue, though this is somewhat amusing because the traditional uniform for bakers is white.
Probably a blue collar one because they work mainly with their hands. Probably a blue collar one because they work mainly with their hands. Probably a blue collar one because they work mainly with their hands.
The Best Paying Job for a teen is: Vet.
Nursing is considered white collar, because of the amount of education required for the job. Blue collar work is typically that of skilled workers with little or no education.
White collar, veterinarian is doctor for animals. Doctors considered a white collar job.
Generally, a white collar job is advantageous compared to a blue collar one because the blue collar job involves manual work, which is hard and time consuming, whereas in white collar jobs people are usually doing mental work since they are (in theory) more knowledgeable. Another advantage is that blue collar workers are often paid hourly and with lower wages, whereas white collar workers are often salaried and higher paid. There are more chances that blue collar workers are harrased or abused by white collar workers. On the other hand, white collar workers often have huge responsibilities on them.
A doctor is the baest paying job...
you have to be 13 or older to have a paying job in most states.
Blue Collar worker