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Let me guess boy problems, issues, ect. Ha, been their. A not to a boyfriend? Well from my experience (Long story.) Boys aren't usually exactly great with soppy emotional notes. They need something easily understood. Now what is the note about? Within the note assure that the information is accurate. Make it inter-fear with something he'd understand. For example comparison, if he likes football compare it to something involving footie. Also think about how you will give it to him. Okay, probably you planned already? Anyway, like said, make it understandable, not too emotional (sorry if this offences in any way.), not to bring in personal facts but what is it about? And what category of the note are you unaware of doing? Not saying anything but I need a more detailed answer of what you are in need of help of.

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anything that comes from your heart, not your head. and also from you, and not copied.

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13y ago

tell the truth tell him you like him or tell him what you like about him and make sure you dont say anything mean in the note

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You give him the best and unique kiss. You need to let him know that you care a lot about him.

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The best times to give him a gift are on his birthday and on Christmas. Or, to make it fun and unexpected, put little gifts in his locker, or slip a note into his pocket (or other accessible area) on unexpected days. It will also keep the relationship fun and interesting. But, if he really loves you, he won't expect anything from you.