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start using it when your child gets to about 5 that's when they start to understand what theyve done :)

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Q: What is the appropriate age of a child to start using timeout as discipline?
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How do you execute commands in a batch file in timed intervals?

You can use START with the /WAIT switch and TIMEOUT. Enter "START /?" and "TIMEOUT /?" at a command prompt for details.

Does the 10 second back court count start new after a timeout?

yes the ten seconds resart after a timeout(:

When should you start spanking your kids?

There is significant debate about the efficacy and ethics of spanking. Many experts recommend using alternative discipline methods that promote positive behavior and communication, such as time-outs, logical consequences, or positive reinforcement. If you have concerns about your child's behavior, it is best to consult with a pediatrician or child psychologist to determine the most appropriate discipline strategies for your family.

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Timeout Team Trainer Tork (of stick) those are the ones i can think of

Who do you counteract a child who is used to being the center of attention 2 yrs old?

Inappropriate behavior should result in "time out" or other discipline. Time out should generally be NO MORE than the number of minutes that equals the age of the child. A two year old should only get 2 minutes of "time out".Start teaching the child while he is young so that he doesn't believe that such behaviors are appropriate. We should discipline children so that they can learn how to act in society. Certain behaviors just aren't acceptable an we, as parents and other responsible adults, should consider it our responsiblity to help them become responsible.

How do you discipline a pig?

The best way to discipline a pig is through positive reinforcement training. Use treats or rewards to encourage desired behaviors and redirect or ignore unwanted behaviors. Avoid physical punishment as pigs are sensitive animals and may become fearful or aggressive. Consistency and patience are key to effectively disciplining a pig.

What are some useful parenting tips?

While raising a child is a very personal experience, and parenting style varies from parent to parent, all parents can benefit from a few simple pieces of advice. First and foremost, the parent's job is not to be a friend to his or her child. You are not doing your child any favors by letting him or her do whatever he or she wants. Instead, teach your child appropriate behavior from the very start. Yes, punishing the child is sometimes appropriate, but do not forget also to praise your child when he or she behaves appropriately.

What is an appropriate age to start guitar lessons for a child?

Around 6-8 years old is a typical age to start guitar lessons for a child. At this age, most children have developed enough hand strength and coordination to start learning the basics of playing the guitar. However, readiness can vary from child to child, so it's important to assess each child individually.

Recommended age to start working out at gyms?

Lifting weights has not been proven to stunt a child's growth, however it can cause other problems. The age that is appropriate to start depends on maturity level and it is important that your child understand that moderation is key. He may be best served to start with a kid's exercise group in order to better learn good habits.

Do education and discipline go hand in hand?

Usually a formal education requires a degree of discipline just to finish the required courses. If you don't have discipline when you start, the requirements of a formal education can teach SOME discipline, but if you didn't have it already you probably won't have much when you get out of college.

How do you help children who hit other children?

some very serious discipline is very important. in the long run your child could get seriously injured by another child. First theres time out. if that doesnt work start poppin hands. if that doesnt work they will have to learn the hard way. Hopefully the child that strikes back doesnt hurt them.

How can we inculcate among filipino's the value of discipline?

To inculcate the value of discipline among Filipinos, we can start by integrating discipline education in schools, implementing strict enforcement of rules and regulations in public spaces, promoting positive role models who exemplify discipline, and encouraging an open dialogue about the importance of discipline in personal and societal development.