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Q: What is the Constitutional status of illegal aliens?
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Related questions

Are permanent resident aliens illegal aliens?

An alien is not illegal as long as she/he has documentation of status. An alien who is documented to be a permanent resident is not illegal. If the alien does not have and never has had documentation of an immigration status, then that person is an illegal alien.

Is it possible for two illegal aliens to obtain a marriage license in Tennessee?

Yes, it is certainly possible to do so. It will not change their status.

When was Illegal Aliens - novel - created?

Illegal Aliens - novel - was created in 1989.

How will your legal resident status be affected if the senate legalizes illegal aliens will you be able to claim citizenship?

your existing legal resident status would not be affected by anybody , you can claim citizenship when you have the right to do so.

Should illegal aliens be eligible for driver's licenses?

Illegal aliens should not be eligible for licenses.

Does the 14th Amendment apply to illegal aliens?

Yes, the 14th Amendment applies to all persons within the United States, regardless of their immigration status.

What does an aircraft carrier carry?

Aliens, usually illegal aliens.

Do aliens have abortions?

Yes, illegal aliens have abortions as well.

Who were the first illegal aliens in the US?

The names of the first illegal aliens in the United States are not known. There are millions of illegal immigrants that are in the US, as of 2014.

What proof of citizenship is needed to rent to illegal citizens?

There IS no proof of citizenship for illegal [citizens] aliens. I should say, there is no legal proof of citizenship for illegal aliens.

Who starred in the Illegal Aliens movie?

There were many people who starred in the "Illegal Aliens" movie. The stars of the "Illegal Aliens" movie includes Anna Nicole Smith, John James, Mark "Woody" Keppel, and Dennis Lemoine.

Can two US illegal aliens married in Mexico obtain a divorce in the US?

No, they are not legal residents of the US and cannot use US laws to change the status of their marriage.