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Hugging her from behind in bed, like two spoons do

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Q: What is spooning your girlfriend mean?
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Related questions

What is the defintion of spooning?

Spooning is where you're laying in the bed together holding eachother.

What does spooning and forking?

Probably better that you read "What is spooning" And as for "forking", I'm pretty sure its just a humourous way of saying f*cking but using the utensil theme to suit spooning. :) For more on spooning, you could also visit which is a community website based around spooning for cash and prizes.

What does it mean if your spooning with your boyfriend then he asks you to turn over and face him?

I suppose he wants to see your face,talk to you, or kiss you.

Does spooning mean she likes me at all?

Not really. I've done it and basically it meant I was not attracted to the guy so I chose to have my back to him.

What are the release dates for McMayhem - 2012 Spooning 1-10?

McMayhem - 2012 Spooning 1-10 was released on: USA: 6 August 2012

What is spooning during sex?

Spooning during sex is a position where partners lie on their sides facing the same direction, with the person in back wrapping their arms and legs around their partner. It allows for intimate contact and closeness between partners while engaging in sexual activity.

What condition is associated with koilonychia or spooning of the nails?


What is spooning with a dog?

A form of affection between a couple.

What position is most comfortable during intercourse?


Do girls like spooning?

The word 'spooning' is a very old fashion word for 'kissing' and yes, some girls (especially if she likes the young man she is with) do enjoy being kissed.

Do they have a girlfriend?

if by they you mean THE GRUE!!...then yes, they do have a girlfriend

What does tengo novia mean?

I have a girlfriend