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Well love lets see.

right now im in love you see so i think i can answer this correctly

to be honest love is when you think about that person more than

anyone else.

when they are the last perosn you think about before you go sleep and

when you even dream about them and the first person you think about in the morning.

Love is difficult coz sometimes your unsure about the oppersit sex

however the feeling is amazing, you just know its right and you can never

forget the feeling.

although at times love can break your heart it is still something

you never want to go away.

you may say you love people but to be honest their is only one love that you strongly feel about, love isn't a game and you shouldn't play with it, its a feeling, its half of your life,

its important.

being in love is amazing, heartbreaking but find the right one and don't make a

rong desicion , love is powerfull ,

i love , love!

its amazing, i just wish that my lover loves me the way i love him

Anisha. x

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Q: What is love and why people fall in love?
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Yes you can fall in love before 13. You can fall in love with MANY people before 13! Hope this helped! :-)

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