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Q: What is it called when someone is obsessed with breasts?
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What do you call someone who is obsessed with dates?

A person who is obsessed with dates is called a "chronophile."

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a selloholic

What is someone called if they are obsessed with Star Wars?

An nerd :)

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Arachnomaniac - Is someone who is obsessed about spiders

What is a person who is obsessed with their health called?

The correct medical term for someone exercise obsessed is 'physically attractive'.

What is it called when someone is obsessed with protecting your family and friends?

Over protective.

What do you call someone obsessed with dinosaurs?

A person that hunts dinosaur bones is called a paleontologist.

What do you do when someone's obsessed with you?

If someone's obsessed with you flirt or drop your books on the side of him\her or you could ask him\her if they wanna go out or something.

What do you call someone who is obsessed with time?

people who are obsessed with time are called really annoying and anal! lolBut seriously, the term is called timeophile-or chronophile for the obsession of devices that record time (watches clocks, calendars etc)

Why are men breast crazy?

Not all men are obsessed with breasts, but those who are (and those who aren't) like the way breasts look. They also like to touch them. It is an excitement for them.

Are girls obsessed with penis like boys are with breasts?

Sometimes. But not as openly. When it's right in front of them, absolutely.

How do you get a stalker?

Well.... you have someone that is obsessed with you.