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family are the people you are related to, the household is who you live with

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Q: What is difference between family and household?
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Family can be love and love can be family. There is no distinct difference between them.

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The difference between filing single and head of household is the type of situation the tax filer has. Filing head of household can lead to a lesser tax paid for the year. If a person is single, but has dependents, it is better to file head of household. If a person is single with no dependents, a person should file as single.

How do you say Household and Family in Irish?

Teaghlach (household, family)

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WHMIS products are for workplace , used in a lab , where HHPS is a household plce , where products are used for household!

What is the difference between household and home?

A home (or house) is the structure/building made for people to live in. Where as a household are the occupants of the building and the building itself.

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no difference, they are one and the same