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Another name for physical abuse is battery. The victim is often known as a battered wife or a battered child, though those aren't the only types of victims.

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Q: What is another name for physical abuse?
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What is the difference between physical abuse and deserving it?

Physical abuse is never justified and is a violation of someone's rights and well-being. No one deserves to be physically abused, regardless of their actions or behavior. Deserving abuse implies that it is okay to harm someone as a form of punishment, which is not acceptable.

What are the difficulties in defining abuse?

What one person considers abuse is not necessarily equivalent with what another person considers abuse. For example, one person may equate a light, mere punch on the arm abuse, while another sees it as being a playful gesture. Some people do not realize when "play" or "teaching a lesson" truly becomes abuse, however, and therein lies the problem. Physical fighting is abuse and extreme, horrid name-calling is abuse as well. Sadly, there are no specific guidelines for defining abuse.

How can physical abuse?

define the following types of abuse. physical abuse, sexual abuse , emotional abuse, financial abuse, institutional abuse, self neglect ,and neglect by others.

What is another name for physical features?

physical characteristics

Is physical abuse in the saw movies?

Oh yeah, most of SAW has physical abuse.

How often is Elder abuse physical?

1 in 7 cases involve physical abuse

How girls get battery?

Battered- they are in abusive relationships, battery is the name of the crime when physical abuse is present.

Is slapping a teenager and swearing at teenager abuse?

It is Verbal and Physical abuse. Verbal Abuse is considered with the swearing while the physical is the slapping.

Does anger abuse lead to physical abuse?

yes it can. It all depends on the person. If he/she gets so angry it can lead into physical abuse.

Can emotional abuse turn physical how long does it take before the abuse gets physical?

Emotional abuse can sometimes escalate to physical abuse, but not all cases of emotional abuse lead to physical violence. The timeline for when emotional abuse may turn physical varies and is difficult to predict. It depends on multiple factors such as the individuals involved, the severity of the emotional abuse, and the underlying dynamics of the relationship. If you are experiencing emotional abuse, it is important to reach out for help and support as early as possible.

What are three signs of physical abuse and three signs of emotional abuse?

Signs and symptoms of emotional abuse include, Name calling, Yelling, Insulting the person, Threatening the person or threatening to take away something that is important to them,Imitating or mocking the person,Swearing at them. Physical abuse includes fighting, beating or body harm.

What are the six abuses?

not abuse, physical abuse, cyber abuse, neglect, family violence and sexual abuse