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Another name for custodial interference could be parental alienation. If the parent is not allowing the child(ren) to see the other parent or has interfered in a way that the children are so angry that they now don't want to see that parent, it is alienation.

This is a difficult thing to prove in court and deal with, but any type of custodial interference, where one parent is preventing the other from his or her visitation needs to be taken to the courthouse so a judge can put a stop to it. Children need both parents in their lives, unless there is a proven reason that it is not in the children's best interest to be with that other parent.

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Is custodial interference a felony?

yes, fourth degree

Custodial interference punishment?

Custodial interference is a very punishable offense and the sentence for the charge varies from state to state. In most states it is punishable by jail time and in some cases it is considered to be kidnapping.

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The penalty is losing your children.

What can be done if the non custodial parent interferes with the custodial parent's parenting time?

One can go to court and sue for interference of time with child and breaking custody agreement.

Can a custodial parent call children and text them obsessively during their visitation with their non custodial parent?

This could be considered interference and abusive, but the issue will need to be raised with the courts.

What does the legal term intervenors mean?

IT would depend on whats being intervened ... If it a child its call custodial interference ...

Can you issue a warrant for parental kiddnapping?

Yes. This is called custodial interference, and has the same impact as kidnapping, but with mitigating factors.

Can a custodial parent move out of state without permission of noncustodial parent if there is no court ordered visitation or child support?

If there's not custody agreement, than there's no custodial parent, so it could be interpreted as interference with Florida Jurisdiction.