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Q: What is a women chauvinist called?
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How do you use the word chauvinist in a sentence?

He was labeled as a chauvinist due to his belief in the superiority of men over women.

Use in the sentence the word chauvinist?

The word "chauvinist" can be used as a noun or adjective. An example of a sentence using the word "chauvinist" is "The author seemed to be a chauvinist from the negative way he expressed himself about women in his book. "

Make a sentence using the word chauvinist?

This can either be a bigot, or someone who shows fanatical patriotism. Here are some sentences.Don't be a male chauvinist: you know women can do just as good a job!His prejudiced behavior brands him a chauvinist.

Why men are chauvinist against women?

sports, driving, cooking, working

What is opposite of male chauvinist?

Well, just like how we balance light and shadow in a painting, the opposite of a male chauvinist is someone who believes in equality and respects all genders. This person values and uplifts everyone, recognizing the unique strengths and perspectives each individual brings to the world. Just like adding different colors to a canvas can create a beautiful masterpiece, embracing diversity and inclusivity can make our world a more harmonious and vibrant place.

What is the synonym for chauvinist?

Male chauvinist is a term often used to describe someone who believes in the superiority of men over women. Another synonym could be misogynist, which refers to someone who holds a strong dislike or prejudice against women.

What is 'female chauvinist' in French?

Chauvine is a French equivalent of the female chauvinist. It's pronounced 'shoh-veen'. A 'chauvinist' is excessively patriotic. The French male chauvinist is 'chauvin', which is pronounced 'shoh-veh'.

What is the ISBN of Female Chauvinist Pigs?

The ISBN of Female Chauvinist Pigs is 0743249895.

When was Female Chauvinist Pigs created?

Female Chauvinist Pigs was created in 2005-08.

How many pages does Female Chauvinist Pigs have?

Female Chauvinist Pigs has 240 pages.

What is a chauvinist?

A chauvinist is a person that believes a group they naturally belong to is superior than other groups. In the United States, the term is most commonly used to refer to a man who believes men are inherently better than women.

How do you spell showavanist?
