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Verbal abuse is to insult someone or hurt him by calling him names and swearing at him and cursing him, and belittling him and stepping over his dignity and self-respect.

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Melvin Brown is a liar who verbally abuse ladies?

Melvin is a liar who verbally abuse ladies?"What should one do?

Can parole officer verbally abuse a parolee And if they do how much trouble can a parolee get into if the parolee does the same?

It's probably not a good idea to verbally abuse your parole officer. Just take it (his or her verbal abuse) and do what you're supposed to do.

Is it illegal to verbally abuse a man?

No, it is not illegal to verbally abuse a man, but if the man was smart he would leave. Verbal abuse can leave just as many scars for a victim as physical abuse. There are programs for abused men that they should attend and learn tools in order to get out of the verbally abusive situation. Example: If a wife is verbally abusing her husband and he decides to divorce her and he can prove she is verbally abusing him then the court could press charges against her (highly unlikely) but you would be granted a divorce.

Is there parent abuse from children?

Yes there are children, usually teens, who abuse their parents both verbally and physically.

Why do some husbands verbally abuse their wives and what does it mean when they stop caring for the home?

When a spouse is verbally abusive, that is oftentimes a precursor to domestic violence which can escalate to physical abuse. When a spouse quits paying the bills for the house, or controlling all of a marriages financial assets, this is called financial abuse.

If a husband always verbally abuse his wife should she still stay in the abuse knowing that his wife don't love him anymore?

Verbal abuse could lead to physical abuse or even to fatality! If you are in a marriage that has no love - get out!

What is aggressive comunication?

verbally abuse? like talking with force and agression (in a threatening or intimidating way)

How can you prove to French authorities that your partner has been abusing you verbally and mentally?

record the abuse on video or audio

How many women gets verbally and physically abused?

Answer There is no definite way to answer your question as there are no stats kept on such matters especially verbal abuse, as it's not a crime to verbally abuse somone. As for the physical abuse, Police departments who have files on these matters don't release them to the public at large. And a lot of women or men who suffer physical abuse don't ever report itt so there is no definite way of knowing.

When might abuse happen?

Verbal abuse might happen when you are getting to know him. Because you know that when you first meet him, he is not going to start verbally abusing you. He is going to be nice to you.

Does your addiction give your husband the right to verbally abuse you?

NO. No one has the RIGHT to abuse you whether or not you have an addiction or not. Talk to him and tell him that whether he has noticed or not, he's been verbally abusing you and that it is not right. Instead he should be there to get you some help. If he's rather ignorant about it, then talk to someone closer you know, they might be able to help you. But no one, NEVER ever can abuse you, whether you have an addiction problem or not.

Isn t right that a parent verbal abuse a child?

No, it isn't right if a parent verbally abuses a child.