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"nice" ways to break up with someone is to just be honest, and sympathetic. So when you tell him it's over, try use things such as "I'm sorry" or "Your awesome!" to make them realize that you don't want to hurt their feelings.

and for goodness sakes, try and say the things like you mean it.

don't use the same old lines like "it's not you, its me." or "let's see other people" cause though they sound nice, they are pretty insensitive.

And truely, honesty is the best policy. give them a REAL reason why, don't just let them come to their own conclusion cause that will just drive them insane trying to figure it out.

good luck :)

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  • No one like to tell a nice person that the relationship is over, but honesty is always the best policy. Just tell them how you feel and do not promise to be friends with them if you cannot keep that promise.

also you can tell him that you had a great time with him but you just can't go out with him anymore

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