

Best Answer

Ok, just text a

guy when u want. but not all the time. like trust me i liked a guy and i would text him like every second of the day and every day and he was so annoyed we had s much frikin drama and oh yah this was just two months ago so uhm yah AWKWARD so just text a guy like at night or day and like every other two days or something not tooo frequently.
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Q: What is a good time of day to text a guy you like?
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To text your crush and ask how his day is going allows him to know that you are thinking of him. That you care and like to know he is having a good day.

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If its a girl you like and you're having trouble, here: Text her about the things she likes. Ask her how her day was, why it was good, why it was bad. talk to her about music, food, movies and stuff like that. If you are asking me personally, i just text them about everything and more above.^

If you like a really popular guy who doesn't give you the time of day yet recently you was texting him and it seemed like he liked you but he's never talked to you in person is that abad or good sign?

Just say to him "remember when you text me, it was really fun, did you mean what you said?" If yes, ask him out.

When's the right time to tell someone you like them?

Valentine's day! Or a valentine's day dance Good luck!! ;D

Does a girl like it if you text her a lot?

Ask her. If she likes you back then she will love you texting her, if you text her every day then one day without it will make her think you don't like her anymore, if she doesn't like you back she may find it annoying!

What text does the ANZAC day dawn service use?

I'm not sure there is one text ... here's a good link to some information. I couldn't find anything by typing "ANZAC dawn day service text" into my search engine

Are you stalking if you text 2 to 3 times a day?

No, if u text only a few times a day your not stalking, just curious or nosy or u just like them :)

I met a girl online that i kina like and we've been talking for a couple days now and she gave me her number to text her how often should i text her?

I like to be called and wished good morning and defintely good night so couple of times a day at first, then ease off and start calling her instead, then arrange a date.

What is a sequence text pattern?

A sequence text pattern is a sort of pattern that the author of a book/text/article etc... uses to convey the message of his text or to simply present the story. For example, a text that simply has paragraphs like: Day 1: Choosing The Subject, Day 2: Accomplishing the work etc... the sequence text pattern would be that they put their day to day activities in chronological order. There are many sequence text patterns different authors use.

Should you text this girl you like every day?

yes but dont seem stalkerish

What would happend if you ddnt text a girl for a few days if we text every day?

in my opinion they'd probably be really annoyed unless you had a good reason....

What items can I save on with these Subway coupons?

Unless a coupon specifically states a day or time it is good any time. Read the wording on the coupon, if it doesn't list a time or day you are able to use it any time you would like.