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A good comeback won't help the situation; unless you really said or did something to raise this reaction from them. If that's the case, a simple apology is all you can do. Don't hold hate in your heart, it will fester and then you will need therapy. A wise man once said, "Hate is the only poison that injures the person that wishes harm on the object of their hate". If you did nothing to provoke this person, and that person says something similar, you can reply "Hmmm, maybe you're right". What can they say then?

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  • Silence is often golden and sometimes saying nothing irritates the person more than if you made a remark to them. Most individuals every so often can say things they don't mean and may well regret what they said to that person at a later date. Be more mature and ignore this person. Your friends know you and would know if you needed therapy or not. Often the people that need therapy are the ones telling other people to seek it out.
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Q: What is a good comeback when someone says you need therapy and you detest the person who said it to you?
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