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a female dude is a dudet

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Q: What is a girl dude?
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Related questions

When was The Dude's Experience with a Girl on a Tandem created?

The Dude's Experience with a Girl on a Tandem was created in 1898-08.

Is mimo a girl?

no he is a dude

Can dude be used for a girl?

In America 4 boys dude is used. N 4 girls dudette is used.But in India many ppl use dude 4 a girl also.I dont think its a problem 2 use dude 4 girl.

What does a black heart inside a white heart mean?

a blaq dude with a white girl or white dude with a blaq girl

What is a pimple on an donkeys butt called?

it is called a dude, and for a girl it is called dudette, a slang for a girl donkey and a boy donkey,

Is Nikki minaj a dude?

No shes a girl

Your girl friend is trying to poison you?

Dude what did you do to her?!?!

How do you be kinky with a girl?

use your imagination dude. :)

Can you call a girl dude?


Is Sak Noel a girl?

no. hes a dude from spain.

Is chibitalia a girl or boy?

Chibitalia is a dude. :3

What is this feeling in your stomach about this girl you like that likes you as a friend?

dude, it depends on your age. under 15, dude, you like her. chances are tha she like you tooo. dude, ask her out