Tell him you hope his heart isnt too cold to go the snoball with you
Just be breezy, but don't ask him right out. Start out slowly and then ease your way into the quistion.
well you just said yourself that you like to be yourself and creative so we cant tell you what to do. be yourself and be creative to find the perfect thing to do =]
Be creative.
Ask a goth guy the way you would ask a non - goth guy.
There is no (way) to ask a guy out. Just simply ask him!
Same way you'd ask a girl out. But if that guy is straight, get ready for a kick in the balls.
u ask me
omg... ok ok i think i got this... reach ur hand out to her and ask may i have this dance (OP here: This is why I said "creative".)
I think its a weird way to get a guy to ask you out but it works but if he really likes you he will ask you out JUST WAIT.
There is really no wrong way to ask a guy out. Ask him if he wants to hang out and do something low-key that you both enjoy.
well a different way to ask a guy out than most girls would first of all asking a guy out, because most girls dont ask a guy out but if you wanted to ask a guy out first, find out somethings he likes to do and then ask him if he wanted to go with you, or if one night he was going somewhere ask if you could come Hope this helps
There is no way to know if a guy wants you or another girl. The best way to find out what what a guy wants is to ask the guy.