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adopt parents are parents (mom, dad) that adopt a child/children... the child/children are NOT the parent's biologal child/chidlren, they had their REAL parents before but hey might have passed away or whatever... soemtimes a couple might adopt domeone in their family, a niece, nephew, cousin, etc.

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Q: What is a adopted parent?
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Adoptive or adopted. A child is adopted, a parent is adoptive.

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you need to ask your parent or adopted parent

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Yes, as long as they are no longer minors.

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No but he was adopted!

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When adopted you have the same rights as the biological children to inherit your parents.

Is it illegal to tell a adopted child their parent died when they didnt?

No but unethical.

If a parent rights are terminated and the children are not adopted can the next of kind adopt the child?

Yes. The next of kin has adopted many children.

Can an adopted boy marry the natural daughter of his adoptive parent?

I don't see why not

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In most countries, only if he officially adopted them.

Can a child choose to live with their real parent after being adopted in Georgia?

Not until the child has reached adult age. In order for the child to be adopted the parent had to give up parental rights so they no longer have rights to the child.