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Q: What is a Industrial nuclear family?
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Related questions

How far is the nuclear family decline in modern industrial societies?

the nuclear family in its traditional sense is declining nowadays . the reason for this is cohabitation and family break down .

According to anthropology the nuclear family is the most common kin group in what kinds of societies?

The nuclear family is most common in industrial and post-industrial societies. These societies tend to prioritize individualism, mobility, and privacy, which align with the structure of a nuclear family consisting of parents and their dependent children living separately from the extended family.

What did Talcott Parsons mean by 'Functional Fit'?

The process of change from pre-industrial society and the extended family to industrial society and the nuclear family. The family changed shape, functions and roles of its members to 'fit' needs of society. Losing many of its functions.

How do you use nuclear family in a sentence?

i use nuclear family in a sentence like this i have a nuclear family inside me.

How are nuclear processes used for medicinal and industrial applications?

Nuclear power plants supply power to parts of some citites. This is an example of how nuclear processes are used in industrial applications.

How could you use the word nuclear family in a sentence?

Her mom, dad, and siblings are her nuclear family. She is happy she has a loving nuclear family. His nuclear family was torn apart when his parents divorced.

How many generation does a nuclear family have?

There are two (2) generations in a nuclear family.

What type of family is a mother and father and two children?

A traditional, nuclear, or immediate family.

What is the major civilian usage of nuclear material?


How does the Nuclear family helps in the development of a country?

How does the Nuclear Family helps in the development of a nation

Why are nuclear families increasing?

Parsons, a functionalists gave the reasoning behind this. He came up with the functional fit thesis, which states that different family types are better suited for different stages of society. Parsons says that the nuclear family was dominant in industrial society for 2 reasons 1) it is geographically mobile Industrial society requires a workforce that can move about in search of new jobs when they arise around the country, and the nuclear family is therefore the perfect size to move about regularly in search of work 2) it is socially mobile In industrial society, meritocratic values are dominant, this means that status is achieved rather than ascribed, so hard work = high status in a nutshell. Therefore, you can have a family whereby the father is a plumber and the son is a top lawyer, and if the father and son lived together there would be conflict of status. Therefore the nuclear family allows the next generation to not live with their parents during adulthood, which means that conflict of status can be avoided.

Is modern family a nuclear family?

I believe the nuclear family is considered to be a couple with 2.5 children. This also may be considered the modern family.