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Women are weak physically. And by this they are considered vulnerable to domestic violence.

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Q: What is Vulnerability of women due to domestic violence?
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Do Domestic violence advocate get paid?

A average salary is around $41,000 for a Domestic Violence Advocate. The wages can vary due to the location or experience. Some companies may have volunteers also.

Who is usually the perpetrator of violent acts against women?

Approximately 50% of women murdered in the United States were killed by a former or current male partner. Approximately one-third of emergency room consultations by women were prompted due to domestic violence

Can you collect unemployment if you relocated from Washington to California to escape domestic violence?

Yes, you may be eligible for benefits due to domestic violence. See the Related Link below for information and instructions on filing.

Do I have rights to my children if I have left the home due to domestic violence?

Yes. See an attorney asap

Can you lose your section 8 if you have a child endangerment crime on your record due to you being a victim of domestic violence?

In the contrary being a victim of domestic violence will help you out even more. Go to any victims of domestic violence groups and ask for help with therapy and to help you with housing and other resources. The help is there you just need to look for it.

How does alcohol and domestic violence tie into criminology?

Alcohol use is often associated with an increased risk of domestic violence due to its disinhibiting effects and role in escalating conflicts. In criminology, research explores the link between alcohol consumption and the incidence of domestic violence, identifying patterns and risk factors that contribute to violent behavior within intimate relationships. Understanding this connection is crucial in developing prevention and intervention strategies to address domestic violence within the criminal justice system.

Are women and men equal in Albania?

Albanian women do have the same rights as men accoding to the constitution that took place 1988 claiming that there will be no discrimination of race or gender and all will have equal rights. Unfortunitly women are not being treated the same as the law is not being inforced. Domestic Violence is a big issue in Albania. Free market has left women more dependent on men economically. In the Albania progress report 2008 the comission of European communities said that the domestic violence was "significant and growing" due to lack of enforcement. Sexual Assult, trafficking women for profit, and sexual harassement are also big issues faced in Albania.

What are the objective of domestic violence?

There is no objective of domestic violence, but to consider once partner as an object. Domestic violence doesn't has any exact reasons to mention. Domestic violence may be due the mentality of the person or their upbringing who is causing domestic violence. If one needs more details they can approach to Siddhartha Shah and Associates on the following details. Contact No. : 093222 86663 Email ID : Lawyersidd Office Consulting Chamber no. 333 @ Dheeraj Heritage 3rd floor at Milan junction S.V Road Santacruz West Mumbai - 400 054 Chamber No.11, Hamam House, Ground Floor, Ambalal Doshi Marg, Next To Bombay Stock Exchange, Fort, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400023

Laws in the Philippines for women abuse?

The existing laws in the Philippines for Domestic Violence against women is The Revised Penal Code (RPC) which defines crimes involving physical injuries, mutilation, threats, coercion, parricide, and murder that can be used by women victims of domestic violence in filing criminal cases. However, these laws have limited definitions that fail to take into account particular circumstances of DV cases and are inadequate in giving justice to the victims. The current status of the Domestic Violence Bill: Women advocates have been lobbying for almost a decade, but the Philippine Congress has yet to enact one. The passage of this bill will address many domestic violence issues. However, the Bill has to go through many processes to be passed, unfortunately :(. In the Philippines, two measures of addressing the issue of domestic violence are being deliberated in Congress. The Anti-Abuse of Women In Intimate Relationships (anti-AWIR) Bill and the Domestic Violence Bill. The lower house of Philippine Congress has passed the AWIR bill while the DV Bill has been reported out for floor deliberation by the house committee on Family and Population. The Senate Committee on Women is currently in the process of holding public consultations at both measures. In the meantime, women's NGO's have been finding legislative success on the local front. The passage of local ordinances on domestic violence has been successful in key cities nationwide, particularly in Cebu City. Availibility of Services: Government efforts to address the issue of DV in terms of providing services have been commendable, primarily due to committed advocates within the government. Various government agencies, including the Department of Health, the Philippine National Police, and the Department of the Interior and Local Governments have programs addressing DV. These include women's desks and units in hospitals and precincts, education programs among service providers, including barangay officials, and emergency shelters. However, these efforts are localized, uncoordinated, and without a national standard. I also came across some laws such as: Act No. 9208 Anti-Trafficking Persons Act Act No. 9262 Defining Violence against women and their children Act No. 7877 On Sexual Harassment. As said in the paragraphs, the Philippine Laws fail to address Domestic Violence, but hopefully bills do get passed to help women there. Obviously, I am a big supporter of Womens Rights! I hope no domestic violence is happening to you. If so, try and contact friends, family, shelters, anything-- and get away.

Why do people agree to slavery?

People may agree to slavery due to coercion, manipulation, threat of violence, lack of education or awareness of their rights, or economic vulnerability. In many cases, people are forced into slavery against their will, and their agreement is not truly voluntary.

Your husband was removed from the home due to domestic violence and it has been 9 years since you have seen each other Can you divorce without him being served?

Speak to an attorney. This varies from state to state.

Did domestic violence escalate during the great depression?

Yes, due to the lack of income brought home mainly by the father of the household, he would typically take out his anger through violence or drinking...which lead to vilence.Additional: I would take the above answer as the OPINION of the contributor only!Since Domestic Violence was not a criminal offense in that time period, no statistics were kept on the occurrence of THIS particular offense.One may postulate that such a fact MAY have been true, but there are no reliable statistics or references on which to base the assumption.