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Friendly behaviour with respect to each other

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Q: What is Natural authority in student teacher relationships?
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Teacher student relationships?

Not a good idea...

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What to do about back talking?

IN what sense? Relationships? friends? or more of a student-teacher relationship? x

Are Former student and teacher relationships inappropriate?

Of course not, if both share the same level of maturity and are interested, why not. As long as the relationship doesn't get in the way of either party, and the just may work out for the better. Goodluck.

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Francis T Pozzi has written: 'A study of student and teacher cognitive styles' -- subject(s): Cognitive styles, Teacher-student relationships

What is the law on teacher student relationships?

Not allowed. in some states it's statutory rape regardless of their ages. The teacher will lose her job for sure.

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What will happen to a student in a teacher and student relationships?

You two will be found out (probably by one of your mortal enemies) and he/she will threaten to give you away if you don't give him/her what they want. They will tell somebody and the teacher will be thrown in the slammer all because he had to resort to a student to get some.