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Then you move on with your life and learn from the experience.


Then tell him adios, goodbye, have a nice life and find someone who will appreciate you. Tell him you are moving on and he can do the same.

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Q: What if your ex-boyfriend says he wants to move on in his life after he dumps you?
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Just try to forget there will always be new people in your life,so dont just give up because of one girl/boy.Just move on How to move on after your ex dumps you. Take a few moments to reflex and then move on... Life is to short! Take what you have learned and apply it. Be greatful for what you had, but EXCITED for what is next.

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Girl ...... move already broke up with him meaning you or he dont want you aor you dont want him anymore.............look at your new boyfriend.... he cool and do yo love him if you do you should love him as long as he love you rememberdon't eat what you have already thrown out of your life..........................good luck....But what if you cant move on, should you ask for help on this and know what to do....Im stuck.

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Do your Happy Dance and move on.

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He's a jerk and you should move on to someone who will love you for who you are.

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Usually when one person dumps someone for another person they have good reasons and rarely do they regret their dumping of one person to be with another, although it's been known to happen. If this is your case, don't worry and fret about it, move on in life and don't wait for him or her to come back.

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If he dumps Rihanna and if you move to the U.S.A.

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Be available as a friend, but move on with your own life

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Unfortunately is sounds as though he does not want to be with you - the best thing to do is let him go and although it will take time keep yourself busy and move on with your life. If someone moved to another country and told me he wants to forget me I would take the very non subtle hint, be sad, and move on and realize there must be some reason he feels this way. You cannot make someone want you just because you want them.